Dear Fans,
It's such a beautiful morning; I just had to get my coffee and write in my blog. The sunrise was amazing.. it was this electric peach color with a snowy background. Remember... Florida girl!!! I've never experienced this before. I've been spared the past few winters, but it's for sure this year. Thurs. this rain came and then it got really cold and after that came the snow.. on Friday the day I was suppose to leave to see Charles. I thought for sure the road people would be out getting the roads ready for morning rush hour... NOT!!! I left my house @ 530 to make a 705 flight. I was so nervous.. there was like 12 inches of snow on the interstate. I can't see shit in the dark, who can right, and to top it off everything was blanketed with white so everything look the same. People were sliding all over. It was like watching bumper cars. We had to give each other sliding room! So, I got cruising in the wrong direction ,and didn't realize it until i crossed this big bridge I've never seen before. I had to try to get my self turned into the right direction.. now I'm running late for my flight to see "The Man". I was now stuck on roads that were just covered with snow. I got stuck trying to get make on the interstate. A road assist guy was there thank god because he pushed me back on the highway, and off I went it reminded me of when Nemo got shot out of the filter!! ..lol I got to the airport and thought for sure I missed my flight so re booked for a later time and went back home. All the flights were delayed, but no one told me or I could have just gone to the gate and waited...anyway I was meant for this to happen because I got to see something amazing about this weather. On my way back to the airport, the sun was coming out so you could really see what all had happened over night. OMG!!! White all over. I finally realized what we are trying to simulate when we put lights on the Christmas tree. The branches are all bare and covered with ice not snow. They trees looked crystalline. The sun was beaming on them and they were glistening with beauty. It looked as if they were covered with lights. I finally made the connection. It may sound weird but each year I learn more about the seasons, and that is a big reason why I stay here and don't go back to the heat, brown and green Florida! So I made it to Cali 1130pm instead of 915am but made it. The airports closed down after they got us out. I had a wonderful time there. I couldn't spend any time on the beach, because we had a lot of business to take care of, and I missed 2 training sessions on Friday. I got a lot of alone time, which I like being alone, and the rest of my time was occupied by Charles. He's becoming more comfortable me I can tell because he's not trying to be nice about it when I do the form wrong on particular exercises. He's like " No girl what the hell are you doing.. listen to me" I would just start laughing just because I get to see his personality, not that he hides it, it just us getting to know each other better! He kicked my ass as usual. We were able to sit down and plan out a lot of things for the year. We both feel this is going to be a great year for me. I just have to train hard and stay injury free.
I'm back hard at work. I now have to work my ass off for my next bodybuilding adventure which will be the Arnold. I will bring Cassie with me, so I want to work extra hard so we can have a GREAT time!! The next 2 weekends are going to be spend in seminars here at the Logan College. I have to renew my license this year for Chiropractic. Other than that everything is the same...wake up everyday and do the best I Can for myself and others. That's all I can do!! I hope all of you are enjoying the season, and not driving yourselves crazy trying to put yourself in the poor house buying people things they don't need! I do have a birthday party to go to at the Ritz on Sat. It's for one of the people that was a big sponsor this bodybuilding season. Becky is going ..I may depending on when I get out of class. Becky's work Christmas party is DEC 16Th. I have a Santa outfit to wear. Sexy Santa! Last year the whole place got quite when I walked in with a Sexy Santa outfit. Of course I have a new and different one. Becky loves it... she's always like "Dress Sexy" She loves the shock factor of everyone. Remember she is a shock factor herself... she has these cheesy commercials of her floating over the arch on a carpet... she owns like 8 carpet and tile stores in Missouri. Everyone knows " The Queen of Carpets". Jc my web master took some AWESOME shots of Sexy Santa and others so look out for the new galleries. I try to do a seasonal gallery so the Christmas one will be up soon! Check it out! Love you all!
Your Pro,
Dr. Dena