Dear Fans,
I been trying to get everything back on track since the big ice storm here. I lost power from Sat - Mon. evening. Gosh! The little things we take for granted. By this weekend I should be all caught up with all the work I have hoovering over me. Once March gets here I'm going to be out of control!! I hope by the end of Jan. I will have at least reviewed my gust posing routine. I plan to do a Valentine's Day shoot to put on the site. I really have to start focusing now, please don't feel like I've forgotten about you. It's times like these that I really rely on the support from my fans. Keep pushing me forward!! Have a great week!
\ Today is the first morning I got up with no back pain. I'm feeling much better. Need a couple of Chiropractic adjustments and I should be good to go! The back hasn't gotten in the way of my training. I'm just about at 160 in the am. Muscles are big, hard and full. Strength is amazing as usual. Over the weekend I got the shelves I needed for the basement and organized it for my new gym equipment. Now just planning the move. It is not going to be fun loading all this weight up and moving it down to the basement. That will be a work out!!!
Your Pro,
Dr. Dena