Dear Fans,
I am all boggled up inside this morning. I went out to the Cheese Cake Factory for the after dinner. I had the tex mex egg roll for appetizer and the chicken & Biscuit dinner, and 2 large diet cokes. I stopped before I exploded... I learn this by past experience believe me. Couldn't leave with out at piece of cheese cake. I took the peanut butter rippled cheese cake, and ate almost all of it. Got to bed @1:40 am and began to toss and turn @ 4:30 a combination of a huge mass of food in my stomach and a mind and heart full of uncomfortable feelings. All of this has left me in the hotel lobby @ 5:30 am coffee, ipod, and you my sounding board.
I'm not really sure where to start, or even what is REALLY bothering me. I guess I will start with the show and work back through this... I must say I was surprised with the turn out of the show. The main and influential aspect is that no one would ever think Sarah would weigh in at 134 lbs. I haven't seen any pix yet, but understand the differences in mine and her physique.
Really all the judges could tell me is that I was perfect, could have done nothing else, that I was just out muscled, which becomes just an ego smasher when it starts boiling down to my legs. I told myself that I needed one more year on my legs, even before the show. Now understand I have been focusing on my legs since the 2004 Nationals, after placing fourth in a class of Quad Monsters. So to hear that your legs need to be bigger is like pouring alcohol on an open wound. I have always said I wanted quads that made you cry when you looked at them. Cry because of all the hard work they took to build and maintain. BETTY V quads. I guess this was just the realization that I still have work to do.
I am very happy for Sarah. She deserves it as much as I do..Her birthday is Monday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL. Now the second thing bothering me is that honestly...I am disappointed in my unsportswomanly post show conduct. If my body language didn't speak for me then believe me the thoughts in my head were burning holes. I have to realize that I am human also and in the heat of the moment emotions are difficult to control, especially after what I have been through. I am speaking specifically about my post contest interview with Muscular Development and Dave Palumbo where I had not much good to say. Dave is my nutritionist and I didn't represent myself as well as I would have liked as one of his athletes. SORRY DAVE...I appreciate your help and friendship. You/We did a wonderful job. All of this has been a great learning experience for me, 20/20 hindsight of course. All of these experiences will help mold me into a better person and hopefully teach me how to handle something like this better next time.
OK, now for the 3rd thing bothering me. My options now....I had planned to do the Europa Supershow August 10th in Dallas but with the Jan Tana opportunity and the hopes of placing high enough for an Olympia qualification, I started planning extra things in July, not with a contest in mind. Hopefully having qualified I would just work the booth for MHP and train for Ms. O. I have one guest posing here locally NPC Caveman classic July 28th and I judge the Kansas City show Jun3 30th. There go two weekends in July. My mother's 60th birthday is July 12th and I haven't been home to Florida for 5 years. I said I would surprise my mom and show up for her birthday, if I qualified and was not in contest mode. Now seven weeks from the Europa and the increased pressure now of this being my last chance to get my O qualification and having to place first 1st to go is going to require an immediate change of focus. The judges told me I was right on in presentation and flawless condition....just smaller than the winner. Okay, in seven weeks I cannot make the SIZE improvements. It brings tears to my eyes to be told your size is still not big enough, so all I can do is try to dial in the same condition or better and fix a suit problem I had in the evening. I didn't glue down my and I hear it was totally wedged up my butt.
Now, looking ahead positively...that will then leave 7 more weeks of dieting for the Ms. O on September 29th equalling a 30 week diet in total. More than half a year. and then it gives me 5 months to make the physique changes and get the invite to the 2008 Arnold..If they have a lightweight class I know I will make waves. However, all of this physical and mental stress that is surrounding me also effects the next issue...my Chiropractic practice....that which pays my bills and puts food on the table. LOL..My productivity really goes down when I am preparing for a show..Thank god for my members and HERBICEPS webcam or I would weigh like 100 lbs on stage..LOL..Anyway I stop taking new patients, get too tired to work so I cut down to three day weeks and plainly just close down and shut off. I can only do so much. I will NOT do anything half-assed. I do it the best I can or not at all. My Mom says I get that from my DAD. Putting all of this into perspective, it comes down to my heart and soul and what I really want out of this journey. We will have to discuss that when I can rationalize my thoughts and answer that question. Until then here are my thoughts....When I planned my season for 2007 the Jan Tana was not scheduled I planned to hit the Europa first anyway. I placed 2nd there in an open class and took a wonderful ROOKIE trip to the Olympia. I will fulfill, all my commitments on my Events calendar.
For the rest of this weekend and week...I have an 11am photoshoot with muscleangels.com and then plan to have lunch with my great friend Tony and see him off to the airport. I then shift gears to a bit of a play mode. I will shoot back to Fort Lee, NJ where I will stay with my manager, Joel Goldberg and get my tour of NEW YORK FOOD STYLE this time..LOL. Monday I have a long shoot with Women's Physique World so look out for that to come.
Wow! I feel much better and more clear..Thank you for listening!!! My manager is also a numbers guy so his comment was "If you really want something to bitch about, bitch about the fact that you were closer to 3rd than 1st. Sarah had 1's across the board every round. He is also a mean bastard so his next comment was " If you are looking for sympathy, you will find it in the dictionary between shit and syphillis!!!!!" I guess that is saying something.
I am in a good place surrounded by people who love me..What more could I ask for? ...To be #1?? to many I already am... THANK YOU!!
Still Your IFBB pro
Dr. Dena