Dear Friends and Fans,
OMG!!! Yes it's me. I know I've been gone for...a long time. I'm sorry. I finally got tired of making promises I couldn't keep, so I decided I wasn't going to blog until I did what I said I was going to do. I have made a lot of changes. The ends are still trying to get blended together, but all I can say is that I definitely see the light and I'm sprinting that direction.
My life has TOTALLY changed since Maryjane died. I saw what she brought to me, but can also see the reason she left. I made a commitment to give her the best life I could, and I did just that... not realizing after the fact that our relationship was holding me back from growing, and that is just because I spent every second I had left on loving her. Outside my patients and close friends, I was with Maryjane. In my mind, she was all I ever needed!! WOW!! When that is taken away in a matter of seconds... I can't even explain! I can tell you that now I have opened up more and have accepted the love from my friends and loved ones. Your TRUE friends show up on Sunday, in a rain storm, to help you move.. not like that happened to me recently...but a true friend is always there to help you lug that damn mattress down the stairs!!...LOL.
My blogs in the past have talked about my organization and business goals... You no I'm not just a Bodybuilder.. LOL... It's VERY difficult being and doctor AND business person. I have been wearing the hats of too many people. July 7Th, 2009 hit my 5Th year in practice... business. I hear that if you can make it 5 years you are good to go! I can see how I'm maturing into my practice. The things I think now are nothing like what I use to think.
I feel like I am flying 5 different kites and I need to somehow tie all these ends together so it will work as one. I'm doing that at this moment. I hope you can tell by the updates I've made to my site that I'm in close contact with my team. Colette and Per are in close contact with me and we are working at making some great changes to the site. I have my own camera now and plan on doing a lot of fun stuff. I hope to soon be up on http://www.rxmuscle.com/ to answer any questions you may have.
I've been training hard in the gym. My physique is stronger and tighter than ever. I hope to be attending the Nationals this November and other thatn that.. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for another Arnold Classic invite.
In a Nut shell, I'm back in the saddle again!!!!
P.S. Special thank you to those who have supported me through everything. I do appreciate you! xo
Your Pro,
Dr. Dena