Dear Friends and Fans,
I'm on the plane from Arizona to St. Louis. I always love to fly home and let my thoughts go. WOW! 6 days in Vegas is a long time. Of course, as usual, I had a loneliness for my dog. It really messed with me for a couple of nights. I don't realize how much time we spend together until we are apart.
This trip, for some reason, was different from all the others. There was just a different feeling all together, but I learned some valuable things about myself and how I plan to pull all my life experiences together to one day be a very satisfied, complete person. One of my biggest life fears was to wake up @ 45 years old and wonder who I was and what have I done with my life. Now, although I gingerly step outside the box, I have learned that if you don't step out and experience life and its obstacles, them you can't make observations about yourself and gain wisdom from it and, in the long run, make it part of your completeness. Much of this is getting to know myself and accepting it. People " think" they know who they are, but they really don't. I don't know myself totally yet, but I'm striving to know me better, and feel a large weight has been lifted away when I discover something new.
I had a great time at the MHP booth with my fans. Really that is the only reason I was there. To tell you the truth I didn't see the pre judging or any shows. Thursday night, I stood at the entrance of Meet the Olympians to wish my favorites, Dayana, Lisa, Valentina and Tazzie, good luck. I was happy with the great response from the women. Ultimately, I want to inspire them to be strong in mind, body and soul. Don't get me wrong guy's..lol.. I love how you encourage me to be strong. See the difference??
Well I arrived @ 160 and got home @152. I've been so far off schedule and am looking forward to getting my life back. No gym, little sleep and food is a quick way for me to drop weight.
I went out Saturday night. I started at Pure and ended up at Empire. My posse was a bit small. My other usual peeps were who knows where, but I had my ole faithful Nida and her roommate Becca, and of course (bodyguard) Joel.. lol. I stayed at the Orleans and moved to the Mirage on Sunday. Boy what a difference between those 2. Mirage..better clientele, cleaner, better restaurants and shops and on the strip. Strange... this strip is nothing like the strip in NY or Venice Beach. In my opinion, the Vegas strip really lacks the energy I need. It seems like it is filled with people who have forgotten how to walk. It seems like people are stumbling over each other with no direction. My mom would say in this situation " shit or get off the pot!"... leaders don't follow people with no direction!!! I guess that's why I felt so frustrated.
I felt really good this morning. Had a great brunch w/ manager Joel and we discussed my monthly and up coming goals goals business wise.. oh! and what are those?? We have set a patient average and per person average for me to start hitting in the office. he is helping me determine my insurance reimbursement which is a very time consuming job I have no time for. Thank you Joel for all your help. the insurance situation really sucks for all health care providers, so please don't be upset with your doctor if he stops taking your insurance soon.. After successfully maintaining my averages for several months, I can start focusing on preparing my weekend seminar for Chiropractors, physical Therapist, and qualified Personal Trainers. I hope to have this course finished and ready to go by January 2010.
I could lie and tell you how motivated the Olympia made me this year, but I won't. Usually, I get this amazing high from the shows, but this time I got self recognition... and that was worth it. I plan to start hitting it hard in the gym and my business. I'm considering not going to the Arnold. I need some time to just rest from the scene. I plan to bring up my weaknesses and hit the 2008 Europa. My goals from bodybuilding will be to get an Arnold invite in 2009
Thank you to all my fans, supporters, members, friends, and family that stand behind me and help me be strong. I need you all!!
Your Pro,
Dr. Dena
I'm truly shy boy...
but you turn me on!(b^ー°)
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