Dear Friends and Fans,
Yes.. OMG it's a blog. I'm sorry for being gone so long. To tell you the truth it just gets hard to keep up with everything. I appreciate your continued support and understanding. I've been juggling staying motivated with so many things. It's much easier to motivate others than yourself. It takes even more discipline, or it gets harder as life becomes more complex. I've managed to get myself on a schedule of some type. I'm waking at 150 lb and pleased with that. My physique has defiantly made improvements although the scale has not changed much. I see detail in my legs, triceps and calfs that I haven't seen in the past. I have a daily routine that consists of the following:
225 sit ups
2 set of pull ups
2 sets of push ups
2 sets of calfs
2 sets of leg magic
My training schedule seems to fit in perfect with the daily stuff. I still want to really put emphasis on my legs with out over training them. Here is my schedule:
Mon- back/chest
Tue- legs/shoulders
Wed- rest
Thur-legs/ tris
Fri/Sat- rest
Sun- legs/ bis
I like this workout because my back, chest and legs get stimulated everyday. Well really, all my muscles get slightly stimulated daily. I've been trying to keep my thickness in the chest and back up with out letting it off set my legs further.
I do have some new plans for the website.. it's just getting everyone on the same page with it. I hope shortly.
Business is good, Maryjane is getting around well most of the time, my physique is improving, I have my health... I couldn't ask for more....
Not sure if you all have checked out any of the Species products (www.speciesnutriton.com ), but I've incorporated the Omegalyze and Fiberlyze into my diet and I feel like it really kept my physique tight. Check it out! I hope you all had a great summer. It's time for me to "Kick It Into Gear!"
Your Pro,
Dr. Dena
1 comment:
Great legs! Strong and powerful legs on a woman are a very good thing. :)
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