Dear Friends and Fans,
Well here it is... Monday! I've been waiting for this day for some reason. I'm right where I need to be with everything. Most of my bags are packed and food is organized for the trip. I have today and Tuesday to workout and finish up cardio.
I'm very pleased with where I am with my physique. I've made noticeable changes to my muscle bellies... I think it's just maturity. I'm blossoming...LOL. I'm leaner than I have ever been, yet heavier too. Here are a couple things I have been thinking about for the show:
We usually are put in order by our last names... that is why I'm always stuck at the freaking end by the podium or falling off the front of the stage...too close for the judges to get a good look at. I then get moved around... but it sucks to be dangling on the end all the time....LOL I'm use to it though... I've had this name for 38 years..
I'm not sure if this a blessing or not, but being the last competitor gives me no rest between my free pose and comparisons. I have to free pose then come right around and start to battle it out... My physique looks best once I pose it for at least 2-3 rounds instead of grabbing weights and pumping up that way, so although fatigued, my muscles will be full and ready for action. I think I'm fatigued, but I'm amazed at where this rush of energy comes from when your on stage. It's kinda like when I use to run... the finish line would be just in site and I would wonder how to make it... my legs would start to go so fast... the fastest the whole race.. it
s called the "kick". So, on stage, I'll be feeling the kick.
Another thing I've been thinking about is this... the top girls... in the top 5 get called out 1st.. right. So, the judges look at them and place them... then they get off the stage and on there merry way...meanwhile the " 2ND string, second call out, women" have to stand poised, in the background on stage, for all the judges to catch a glimpse of them letting their belly hang for some good inspiration....lol so the " not top girls" have to be in much better conditioning because they have to be on stage and perform longer. It's hard standing out there for all that time. Good thing the "best girls" are back with their feet up and not out battling it out for stamina too... LOL
OMG.. and 6Th and 7Th have a real hard time... they have to pose in the 1st round, then stay so the judges can judge the rest of the women against them. So, 6 and 7 really get beat up!!! It's nerve racking because you know you are on the cusp with the other person that got called out next to you..plus you have to hold it tight and not lose your placing by being tired and then drop from 6-7 to 9-10.. Confusing??? Long story short.. I've been really working on my posing because most likely I'll be hammered on stage with no rest and definitely no matter where my placing is .. I'll have to fight for it with my posing and condition with a boost of stamina.
ok.. one other thing that has been weighing on my mind.. my changes and weight. Here is the scenario:
As an amature, I was competing as a lightheavy weight (LHW)which was under 140. I had issues making this weight at times. I won my Pro card in 2005 (my hardest showing physique wise)as a LHW. 2006( my fulliest showing) I competed as a pro in an open class ( no weight class) and qualified for the Ms. Olympia. 2007 and 2008, the weight classes came back and intimated my the term heavy weight(HW) 0ver 135.1/4 lbs, I sucked it down to the light weight ( LW) class ( under 135) and missed the boat by 1 placing both years. I looked ripped, but small and long... for some reason. So... for 2 years I've been restricting my body from it's potential by trying to stay at a particular weight class. I haven't had the chance really ever in my career to just go with my look and not worry weight. I have made alot of changes and have not blossomed in 2 years.. so it's time! I'm my leanest and waking at 145-146 lbs. I've actually been gaining weight as I've been losing fat. I no didn't think it was possible.... I've talked to others... they say this is what happens when your "ON". I think my body is just really liking being able to just hang out like it wants. I just want it all to come together at the right time.. that's the trick.. holding it and not doing anything to change it. It's hard to hold a look and not over think. I'm not going to stress about weigh because it is not an issue, and hopefully this showing will give me the justification in my own mind what weight my body shows best at. Hope all that makes sense... LOl it is early here and I'm babbling...lol.. Realistically, I was upset in the off season because I just didn't pack on this huge weight like the other off season girls could. I'm a small person... I kept using that excuse.. but now I see it's not how heavy you get off season... its the quality!!! I'm 7-10 lbs from my off season weight which means through all of this I've only lost 7-10 lbs.. Most lose 20-25. No wonder I didn't blow up in the off season.... I grew and matured.... It's NOT about the scale...LOL.. I have to keep telling myself that too so don't think I'm being ms. bad ass here.
Wash up suits, clean house, business work, nails/feet make up food and out the door on Wednesday. I have a really busy week-weekend planned. It is work when I get there. I have to move from photo shoots to meetings to tanning and back.
I have a HUGE hometown posse coming to see me and experience the weekend. I'm so excited. I've had friends and people helping me in the past, but not a group of 20 people, some who are driving 10 hours, to come be with me and show there love and support for what I do.. I appreciate you all. We'll all have a great time and takes lots of pix. All of you who are in the STL waiting for me to come home.. I haven't forgotten you either!!! My NUcks!!! I'm looking forward to all the goodies my friends and patients will be making over the weekend for me to pig out in. They all love to come see how big I get from their homemade food.
I have a guest posing April 25th her in the STL, so I have to keep some look...LOL Not the Pillsbury one!!! LOL The pix here is from the shoot 3 weeks ago. I maybe able to get another recent one up.. but if not I brought my camera stuff to load on Beth's computer so I can send pixs to blog while there. Look for me on cam.
Still keep your fingers crossed and keep healthy thoughts in your soul for me. It is a critical time coming up. I've done my best... could I be better.... LOL ALWAYS.. after the show I'll have to figure out just what BETTER is.
Again, over and over, I appreciate you all... thank you for caring about who I am and what I'm about.
PS>>> I will be on muscle radio talk show Tuesday March 3,2006. Here is the link... there is an archive if you missed it..
http://www.musclesportmag.com/2009/03/02/dena-westerfield-this-weeks-guest-on-musclesport-radio/Your Pro,