Dear Friends and Fans,
Well, here I am... finally home. I need to get some rest but it's difficult to get off the rush. I worked the Species Nutrition booth Sunday 12-230 and then rushed over to do a photo shoot with Annie ( muscle angles ) 3-4. My plane left at 615. My entire weekend went that way. It's is a lot of running around.
I am VERY happy with the results of my placing. I was wanting a top 10 finish and I placed 9Th. It seemed like everything was right on schedule. I learned a lot about my body this show, or it's the accumulation of experiencing the way my body feels to peak. I still feel like I didn't nail it right on the head though. For once, I FELT a difference b/w being full and not. I did sweat on stage, not much, but the top girls weren't sweating. I have to check out the pictures closely and see if I had any water under my skin.
I had a huge St. Louis posse come to support me. I competed on Friday night and had planned a dinner party of 20 at Marchella's. I wanted spaghetti and meat balls and meat sauce, bread and oil and a couple glasses of a nice red wine. I wanted nothing that tasted like Pasta House. The meatballs were their speciality... YUMMY... ooooh and the meat sauce was right out of grandma Guzzi's kitchen!!! LOL. I'm a twirler..love to spin long noodles with a fork and spoon. There is just something about it... and I was craving that action. You can see that most of my post show food pictures have a huge bowl of pasta in front of me. There were 2 people in my party that had a birthday over the weekend, so I thought of what ,of course, I would want and it was a dairy queen ice cream cake. I special ordered a dairy queen ice cream cake in Columbus. On Thursday, Beth ventured out in her car to get my cake and drop it off at the restaurant for the next evening. She dropped me off for a photo shoot with Dan Ray... and off she went. Beth dropped the cake off with the chief supposedly!!!! So, Friday I was riding in the shuttle over to prejudging and the restaurant called. The manager was calling to ask where I got the cake from... My ice cream cake was left out over night!!!! Now keep in mind.. I'm on my way to get on stage and this happens!! Not something that needs to be on my mind at that time. They told me they saved the decorations..lol... Thanks!! Well, everything worked out. The food was outstanding and the service excellent. I had an ice cream cake... everything went as planned. Saturday morning, I had a photo shoot with Tom 9 from 10-1130 and worked the species nutrition booth from 12-2. I had just enough time to grab something to eat before starting a video shot with awefilms. Watch Out!! Steve just pulls something out of me. Our chemistry together is so free. He takes excellent video of my physique. I think this was our hottest video yet. We shot til like 7pm. I had to primp up a bit more and head out the door to the Party With The Pros. After that, we ventured over to Boma. We all danced the night. I'll have some pictures up soon on the site of the evenings. Now to make matters worse, we lost an hour in the time change.... I had to pack ,check out and work the species booth 12-2. I went to sleep at 530am... so, OUCH!!! I was feeling that 1030am wake up and rush around deal. Beth helped me out so much. She had her car there and was getting me around. She really got to know the area , so we were able to be somewhat efficient. I say somewhat because I had 1 more photo shoot with Annie 3-4 and my plane left at 615. Beth and I went to the wrong hotel for my shoot with Annie. Room 1407..... it was open, so we thought she was shooting in the lobby and would be up. I undressed and laid around on the couch under the covers and waited. After 15 mins goes by I check my phone to call her and I saw a text from her asking where I was...LOL.. I said waiting in your room. "MY ROOM?"...LOL we had no idea who's room we were in but Annie's hotel was 1407 across the street. We pack up and laughed all the way over to Annie's!!! OOOO, very packed flight on the way home, but made it safely....I was asked what my biggest threat was for the show and my response was " to not make it home safe and sound". I am a home body, and totally enjoy the security of my home. I don't like to leave it long.
AHHHHHHH, so many decisions to make. I know I should take a couple of days to think things out, but I have done a lot of thinking and had been sketching out my next move even before the Arnold. I, of course need, to wait and see what happened here. I've decided to do the NY Pro Show. It will be my 2ND consecutive year at this show. It's a great show and who can turn down a trip to New York. I have a game plan in mind... I have 9 weeks... I'm going to just train my legs. Do everything I hate to do or haven't been doing much of...walking lunges, lunges, step ups, stair sprints, box jumps....oh gag me with a spoon... must I go on..LOL. I plan to make minor, but noticeable improvements, We'll just see how I pull it together... I really think I'm starting to get everything down.
I totally enjoyed interacting with all my fans in the expo and around the lobby. I'm there for all of you. I get motivated by people appreciating and enjoying my physique. Thank you all for your support. " Strength is Beautiful".
PS. Check out my article on http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/dena_westerfield_interview.htm
Your Pro,
Dr. Dena
Congrats on 9th place and the spaghetti ; ).
I wish I could have been there. Jill and Jason envited me two weeks before the show but that was too late to ask off work. Maybe next year.
You look beautiful on stage and ripped! Xoxo
Now thats a positive attitude! You looked amazing and you are in the top 10 in the world in your chosen field. That is something to be proud of!
thank you very much. I'm happy.
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