Sunday, May 30, 2010


Dear Friends and Fans,

OMG! Yes, it's a blog. When I disappear for a bit there is always good reason. I enjoy writing in my blog. I like to have time to think and write about true events of my life. I never just want to hurry up and write whatever. I have so many areas of focus in my life that take a lot of my time, without those areas, I wouldn't have anything to write to you about.

Cyclone huh?? Well, a cyclone blows through and rustles everything up, but itself is a very organized system. I must admit that every year gets more challenging, but in a good way. You know there is a happily ever after behind the bodybuilding curtain and that curtain surrounds a beautiful ballroom full of life accomplishments, individuals I've touched and and people who have always believed in me.

My training and physique is off the hook. I've been working with an Olympic lifter, and his technique is just what I've needed. I'm just piling on the clay!!! It's amazing how much my physique can change without much change in my body weight. I train on Mon/Thurs with Olympic trainer, Sat I train at home with my friend Patty, and with X Rams player, Rik Wilson, on Sun. I'm continuing to learn how to feed my muscles. the main thing for me is to keep full with the carbs in addition to my species Isolyze, carbolyze and Mac oil. I decided not to do the Tampa show. I weighted out the possibilities of me qualifying for the Ms.O ( top 3) and decided that expanding on my key growth time right now is more important. I'm counting on Stryker having the Phoenix show in Feb. It was a great show for me last year although I didn't qualify (Placed 5th), I stood on stage with 4 of the best in the world, and the show was very well ran!!! Plus AZ is just beautiful. AZ would definitely be on my list if I would ever consider leaving Missouri and the STL....NOT!!!!...LOL

I have finally started the organization in my office and have a new assistant starting this week Tuesday. I had a new front desk built this weekend for her, and we are both excited to continue the success of Westerfield Health Center and my Life Style Management program. I've been getting out in the community more to reach out and and make others aware of me and Westerfield Health Center. I'm actually leaving the house after this to attend the Masters Olympics. My training partner, Rik, has a client competing. It's an opportunity for me to see how my bulletin board physique works. Jack( jacked up Divas) and Ann (IFBB Figure Pro) Titone have started a radio show here Fan Radio 590am. It is on Sundays 2-3pm CST. Fit Bodz fitness talk. I am on the show every other Sunday @ 2:40pm talking about sports related issues. The lines are open for questions live. listener line 314-969-0590. I was on last Sunday, so I will be on next Sunday June, 06 @ 2:40, but listen to it to day too and see what you think.

The computer that had the FTP program to get info to Colette is down. I have to figure how to get it up and which computer to use. I'm not a huge computer person, so I do need to find help and time to mess with it. Good news though is I should have it done by the end of weekend, and I'm expanding the web site with lectures, videos and health topics making Westerfield Health Center portion more informative. I hope with Kris in the office, she can help with my video editing and galleries. There is light at the end...!

My dog HALO is still my dream. She is just beautiful, confident, proud, kind and loving, a pretty girl with a tom boy heart...LOL reminds me of some1 I know!

I thank all of you that do continue to support me at my highs and lows. I plan to soon make everything worth it! Enjoy the summer!

" A Fit Person has control of their life and a positive mental attitude" work on being fit and everything else just falls into place. It starts with YOU!!!!

Your Pro, Dr Dena


Maxwell said...

look great, and your legs look fuller too. nice progress.

Fred said...

Honestly where are u and why is your website still not updated when you are still taking subscriptions?? Shame on you!!!!

John said...

Wow you have really a nice blog.