Dear Friends and Fans,
Gosh! I don't even know where to start... I have been missing in action huh? LOL. Well ACTION is just what I've been up to. I had to go back and read my past blogs this year and how I explain my struggle to continue my success and maturation as a person. I have sooo many great things happening around me. My " Library of Life", is what I called it in one of my blogs. I have books of ideas all organized and waiting to be noticed. How do I get noticed ALONE? As you find success, it becomes difficult to find MORE successful one's to imitate, learn and grow from. I have accepted the fact that I cannot make ALL my dreams come true without others. OOOOO those OTHERS! OUCH!!... that requires TRUST and to me equates DISAPPOINTMENT. I had to sit back and think about all my VISIONS and discover their common PURPOSE. I'm working that everyday as well as PRIORITIZING. The UNCERTAINTY is STIMULATING my every synapses, hence, COMPELLED by my CHAZOWN. I have started my book. I have the title, cover, and PAGES of thoughts that have forever been chattering and debating in my mind. I hope soon to have these organized into an outline and off I go!! Much of my writing energy and thought has been going towards THE BOOK. I have decided to jump up my websites! I will probably merge to one. I'm going to bite the bullet and drop a couple (more) grand into someone who can make something happen. I need running backs not scorekeepers!
So, if that is not time consuming enough, I am still running a business, doctoring and mentoring others daily and making a difference in others lives! GOD! It's wonderful to breathe the air!! I have had some fans speak of a RUMOR that I have retired from competition... LIVING is a competition, and my physique is MY TEMPEL! I can PROMISE you this... I will always be on a STAGE... maybe not FLEXING my muscles... but ALWAYS flexing my HEART! I have applied for the Arnold Classic. The competitor list should be out a week before Xmas. My physique is its best yet!! I'm still Olympic Lifting... 270 lb deadlift, 210lb clean and jerk...
I appreciate your support. Know that, " I am doing Great Work".
Happy Thanksgiving! XO
"Disturb Us"
When we are too well pleased with ourselves
When our dreams have come true because we have dreamed too little
When we arrive safely because we sailed too close to the shore
Face your FEARS!!! They aren't as scary as you think!!
Your Pro,
Dr. Dena
1 comment:
Is the rumor of you not competing based on the fact NPC/IFBB have instituted a new category in attempt 2 ban Women's bodybuilding?!
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