Dear Fans,
I just got in from my Guest posing at the Iowa State Show. I had a great time. They have a lot of bodybuilding fans there to be such a small place. Everyone was so supportive... the athletes were nice, the show ran well... They seemed to really like my performance.. which made me feel GREAT! I was reminded all weekend why I choose this life style. It was really just so much fun. I tried out Jana Tana color.. It seems to be pretty good. The application process was so much easier.. and the bottoms of my feet were not black!! I finally figured out how to solve that. I'm going to use it for my other up coming events and most likely at the show.. since it will be the Jan Tana. I have to travel 2 more times and then I'll be home till my show On June 23rd. I will be in NY the 1st of May for video.. and the 2 week in May in Atlanta guest posing at the Eastern Seaboard, so still a lot of stuff for me to do. My training is going well. I feel good that I have my routines to practice and one less stress of the show off my mind. I'm chill at about 147. The weight is not falling off which is good. Body fat is continuing to go down. Dave just uped the cardio to 70 mins in the morning. Things in the office are going nice. I have a steady patient load that I'm handling well with everything else with less stress. I think through the years I just learn how to manage more with the practice. My office is really the only changing variable in my life.. the diet and work out stuff is constant.
I'm starved!! gotta eat and hit the hay.. I'm beat from the travel and posing. A special thank you to all my loyal members that continue to support me with your memberships. I really do appreciate it, and think of you... especially when the checks come in.. not to sound greedy.. but when I get the check I think of my fans and how much they help me out.
PS. Hi to all the Iowa peeps checking out my site... You all made me feel great!! I had a couple of fans that came because they knew I was going to be there. I was flattered!! Thanks Chuck! Really this is all about the fans... my fans are my friends.. and we can never have enough of those. Thank you again, please understand that I'm in the height of my season and practice, and do my best to get to my blog and your emails. I apologize to m the my space people waiting on me to reply. I'm working on it.. it just gets to be a lot.. you are all always on my mind .. believe me! Enjoy your warm weather!
Your Pro,
Dr. Dena
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