Dear Fans,
I hope all of you had a great weekend. I spent mine in Venice Bch, CA w/ the "Trainer of Champions", Charles Glass. I learned a lot as usual. People are amazed that I "need" a trainer. When you get to a high level of anything it gets difficult finding people that you respect enough to listen to. I don't want my mind space occupied by things I already know. Charles teaches me a different way to train by helping me communicate and stimulate my muscles in a particular way. He changes me technique slightly to hit my muscles bellies better and specific.
The hotel I stay at now has bikes, so I was able to ride back and forth to the gym all weekend. I use to train after Gunter, this time I was next behind Chris Cormier. There were a couple of National level competitors their to train with Charles too. I'm not the only one who comes far for the God Father of Bodybuilding. HI Kate!! Louie The Incredible Hulk was there.
We trained quads on Fri. I'm again splitting hams & quads up and have 2 days rest b/w them. I almost thought I was going to puke, that has never happened. I didn't, but thought about it. Probably from lack of sleep and heavy breathing. My quads were tore up!!! Sat. we trained back. He is very pleased how my back has come up. The work out was great; I worked til until I couldn't pull any longer. A fan took care of my lunch at Firehouse Sat. I was honored that someone knew me and hooked me up. I don't know who this person is , he didn't make himself known, but thank you.. stroked my super star ego for a moment.. lol!! After my work out on Sat. I decided to ride the bike along the strip. I was gone peddling for hours. It was a nice time but.. oh my legs!! It was a bit over cast, so I couldn't see the sun set. I haven't seen the sun kiss the water since I was home last in 2000. Sunday morning back on the bike and up to the gym. We met early to train my key area.. hamstrings. I rested for an hour after and then we worked on some clean up moves from previous workouts. I hoofed it back to the hotel to clean up and check out. Charles and I went to lunch and almost lost track of time. My flight left @ 3 ;I got to the airport at 2:15. they almost didn't check my bag. OMG!!
Now back to reality. I've really been trying to work on my stress levels. I just have so much to do I go crazy. One thing I thought about this weekend is focusing on how good I have it, and not how hard it is to get everything done. I realized this weekend that I need to pull inward.. this isolates me further from a normal life, but I find right now getting focused for my appearances and shows, I have no time outside my practice. Whatever " spare time" I have must be spent on office organization, posing routines, training and resting. The only hours I have to do this is before work, which I now do 1 hour of cardio and work out before I see patients, so that eliminates any morning time for anyone, and in the evening after work. I work until 6 or 7, unwind for a second do some paper work for the business, practice my routine and bed by 9pm. See no time for anyone but my dog. I must say that I missed her the most this weekend. I couldn't wait to get home to cuddle and snuggle with her. Oh, by the way Maryjane ( my dog) has hurt her back somehow. I've noticed her limping.. I'm taking her to the chiropractor tomorrow. He will adjust her and show me how to. I'll let you know.
I leave for Iowa in 2 weeks. I need to practice more @ the gym in the aerobics room instead of in my head during cardio. I went into the posing room at the MECA ( Venice Bch Gold's)and it seemed like I had 2 left feet. I have to practice every night this week. that makes 1` hour of cardio, 1 workout and 1.5 hours of posing adding up to 3.5 hours of prep / day, and on top of that see patients and have an open mind.. and I wonder why I feel so overwhelmed. I'm struggling but realizing the fact that taking care of myself does not make me a bad person. If I fade away, please continue to support me with your emails. They keep me going. My distance is me forcing myself to focus. I can only accomplish this by doing, not talking about doing... there is a big difference.!!
Have a great week! Keep in touch.
Your Pro,
Dr Dena
I'm pleased to learn your training is near perfect! The picture with the green dress is gorgeous. Too bad I can't see your shoes . lol. Take care
I see that picture and then read your comments and all I can think about is some guy(or girl if you prefer) doesn't get to enjoy that hot body!
In all seriousness, bodybuilding is one sport where you just can't afford to be unselfish. You forgo alot of things and miss out on opportunities, but there is no better reward when your name is called for first place and you are the main reason why.
Good luck Dena and stay focused at that goal at hand, you can relax later! ;-)
Dena, there isn't a selfish bone in your body. It bothers you when you have to be selfish and it bugs you to even think you might be selfish. You're not, you're a loving, caring, responsible, professional, giving and thankful person; you are top of the line, pick of the litter, a darn fine woman. So, SMILE!!!
Oh, and, "Bless you." Better get some more tissues!
You look beautiful. You are one great fbb. I would relocate to STL to be your Admin, anddo the little things that bug you. waiting
WOW!! if that isn't the best feeling in the world I don't know what is. The support from you all brought tears to my eyes... thank you
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