Dear Fans,
Well here I am sitting on the train headed back to St. Louis from Kansas. Don't ever take the train... this is my first and last time. The accommodations were fine, but I could have driven up and back 2 times. The 4 hour train is really 7 hrs. with all the delays. I was in KS City judging a show, and enjoying my week off of the diet and gym. I had a great time mingling with friends, fans & fellow competitors.. Don Long, Elaine Goodlad, Sherry Smith, Michelle Baker and Nick Scott to name a few. I did a photo shoot and planned a shoot with Dan Ray before the Europa. Lot's and Lot's of cute stuff to come. I appreciate all of your patience with the updates on the web site. We are on the verge of breaking into a totally new and exciting site. Thank you so much for hanging in there.
I've had time to cool down and direct my energy since the Jan Tana. So, Texas here I come!! Monday starts my prep, I'll be back on my diet and starting up my cardio. I guest pose here locally July 27th, 2 weeks before the show, so I hope to be shredded to the bone so my town friends and fans can see me in shape on stage. I'm expecting a great turn out and Lot's of fun. My plan for the Europa is this.. I want to come in tight, conditioned and polished, not like this is an unusual look for me, but it seems to just be taken for granted the fact that I always come in shape. The size changes needed will take place off season. I do plan ,however, to really hit my inner thighs, lats and calfs in addition to my other areas. I have a lot of inward focusing to do on myself and practice. It's gotta be me time!! I had a lot of extra emotional issues that kept coming up during my Jan Tana prep, so full warning NOW to all of those, other than my patients, that expect or need emotionality from me will not be granted this! I need to still tell you about my NY trip; I'll do that in another blog because I've had something on my mind for a while I would like to address... My image and purpose...It's funny how your so called "Friends" like to talk behind your back and say hateful things to pull you down, to make themselves feel or look good. Yeah, you know who you are!!!! My physique is my masterpiece, my artwork, my canvas, my life, my love. NOW what is the purpose of a frame around a painting?? To protect, support, hang, and accessorize... right? I selectively pick clothes to do just this. Would you cover your prize painting with a tarp?? My clothes accentuate my physique. they frame my prize possession. I get great joy out of showing my physique of in a tasteful manner. SO when you see me wearing a tight fitting outfits with my muscles popping out everywhere... I'm not doing this to get "extra attention" from others, I do it for ME, because it makes me feel proud of my perfectly framed masterpiece, that's all folk!!! Don't try to make something else out of it. What amazes me is the fact that just because I have a professional career as a chiropractor, I can't be sexy, attractive or sexual??? I didn't know a career took these emotions away or now makes them unacceptable, so I must hind from who I am or share this with one particular person in my life who doesn't even exist?? I've worked hard for 36 years building up my own esteem and confidence to the point where finally I love who I am. When I'm not able to be me; I become unhappy. Others like to turn my confidence into cockiness, or self absorption. I've come to realize that the people who really know me, love me for who I am and that's all that matters. Everyone else should stick their nose somewhere else... how about in your own stinky shit!!! I want to inspire other women and let them see that being strong, independent, and in total control of your life is SEXY!!! Strength is beautiful!!!
Special thank you to Patty and Sandy.. my neighbors.. They landscaped my front yard with beautiful flowers and bedding while I was gone. It felt do good to be home.. It feels great to love and be loved.
Check out this pix.. how is that for a couple of bellies???lol..
Your Pro,
Dr. Dena
Hi Dena,
Greetings from sunny South Africa!
I totally agree with your comments about showing off the results of all your hard work. You're part of an elite "club" of bodybuilders that has earned a pro card - a miniscule number in the entire world - so all strength to you. If you wish to show off your body, do so because you have earned the right to do so.
Personally, I love the way you show off your body. After contests it is always interesting to go and check the photos and see what new outfit you have unveiled. Your style and innovation stands out.
It gives the sport character and sex appeal away from the stage, where far too many competitors go into hiding, it seems. Why the hell put in so much work only to hide the beautiful results of it?
As a matter of interest, where do you find your outfits? They're so unique.
Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if part of the behind-the-back criticism you hear is jealousy. When people feel they can't measure up to others they can become very nasty. Maybe they don't have the confidence to wear the clothes you do.
Again, I agree with your comments relating to how a doctor should look. Who is anyone to decide how you should look? It's your choice, no one else's.
Anyway, in my book, you take the unoffical title of best looking doctor in the world by a country mile. LOL
I am sure you are an inspiration to many women, showing them that it is okay to be strong and sexy, and to express that.
To quote you: "Strength is beautiful!!!"
Now, just to head off tack for a moment, I want to congratulate you on your showing at the Jan Tana. I thought you looked sensational and you really nailed your conditioning.
And by the way, you looked great in the photo taken afterwards in the black dress.
I hope all your hard work on your quads comes to fruition because then the sky is the limit.
I can't wait to see you make waves at the Europa...on and off the stage. ;-)
All the best,
That was a good post. You are really cool Dena. Anybody tell you that lately?
Thank you for all your support.
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