Dear Friends and Fans,
People always ask... how was your weekend.. or what are you doing over the weekend... here is my moment of glory to bitch about that. It seems that I work just as hard, if not harder, over the weekends. I'm stuck here on Sunday morning, but to me it's GROUND HOG DAY!!!!. I would love to sit around and sip on coffee and lay on the couch or something, but here is all I have to do before I can even think of doing any of those.. Usually I complain in my mind as I do these particular activities I'm about to mention... so by the time I'm done complaining one exercise program is out of the way. So, before I can even eat breakfast ( 12 egg whites ) I have to go through my mandatory poses... 25 min, then I do a ab/leg wk out routine every morning on the floor in my bed room 300 sit ups, and 100 different types of squats and glute curls ( approx 15 mins), then 1 hour of cardio ( 30 min walk with Maryjane, 30 mins on the treadmill), then I can eat my first meal. SO about 2 hours of exercise before I can really do anything for the day, because I have to have the cardio done on empty stomach. I'm dying to get all this stuff done. I can then eat and decide.. do I want to relax a bit or hurry up and get the next segment of training out of the way... I weight train over the weekend too so there is another hour to add to my daily exercise and don't froget to add on the other hour of cardio I have to finish before the day is up.. yeah folks.. 2 hours /day of cardio. I have a show in 3 weeks, and a guest posing next weekend ( july 28th), so I have to spend time practicing my actual routine, 45min- 1hr. Okay, now I can start the rest of my day which on the weekends is cook, clean, paperwork for business,and of course my web site!! I hate to even talk to people sometimes.. it seems all I have to say is... I've been exercising all day!!...lol... I don't mean to be a complainer..I'm just letting you know how it feels to have been training and dieting all this time. Like I said I usually complain about it to myself as I'm getting it done. It makes me work harder because I'm mad at the exercise for making have to work so hard... I'll show it!!!...lol.. I'll hit the pavement, crunch my abs hard and grunt through those squats!!! GRRRRRRR!! Anyway.. off to work on mandatories and then cardio. Hope you all had a relaxing weekend. I've done enough exercise for all of us!!..lol Oh, by the way, everything is coming along... Dave say I'm a little smooth from the back... so more cardio!!! Hanging at 145...for some reason 147 this am... but whose counting.. we'll say 145...lol...ok
Your Pro,
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