Dear Friends and fans,
I must say it's been an exciting couple of days. My air broke last night at 8pm. I got out of the shower and noticed that I was still just very sweaty.... omg! hot air AGAIN!!! this crap just happened a couple of weeks ago. I had an external thing put on the outside.. well it's gone now.AuGH!!! just what a dieting bodybuilder needs.... more hot and sticky... this was almost enough to push me over the edge! Marjane and I went to stay at a hotel for the night, as I sat around and called AC guys. Leon was coming over in the morning.. 12. Wendi was meeting me @10:30 to start my first coat of paint.... so now REALLY sticky!! While Leon was replacing the compressor, I took off to my seamstress to pick up outfits. Coat #2 of pro tan was scheduled at 2:30pm today. It was still a bit hot, but Leon was working away!!!.lol.. poor guy what a job... and my unit is right in the sun! AHHHH finally, before we were finished with coat 2 the air was filling the house. IT"S FIXED!!!! I better do well at the show...lol... I just dropped $1000. Okay, so now I'm about to normal.. if you can call it that..lol.
My shape really does look good. I look better than at the Jan Tana. It's hard to believe that it keeps getting better. I guess I really needed improvements, at one point. I'm still sitting at 139. I don't see me losing any more fat weight. The rest is just water. I have to weigh in at 6:30pm on Thursday. I have to make weight still 135 or under. It gets tricky here because we need to start filling my muscles out, but we can't afford any weight. We will be anxiously waiting the weigh ins. I plan to make and pack all my food tomorrow. Here is what I'm going to bring. I hate packing too much and wasting food. Like I want to grab a hard boiled egg after the show...lol... I've gotten a hang of Dave's deal so I think I'll be right on with the following: 24 hard boiled eggs, 6 beef patties, 4 Salmon fillets, 4 chicken breast, a salad mixture, some nuts and peanut butter. I really only need food for Thursday and Friday. I compete on Friday and work the MHP booth on Saturday. After the show on Friday... all eating will break through. It will start with Betty's dessert buffet. Wendi is coming over for another coat at 6:45pm. We will do it again tomorrow 3 times. I still have to get to target to pick a few things up, maybe some junk food for the room after the show, and eyelashes. I get my hair done at 11 tomorrow, I'll go to my PO Box and pick up the rest of the mail, enter my insurance checks, make a deposit and finish packing. I leave at 9am Thursday. It's almost here. I'll be blogging from the show so stay posted. I feel good, look great, the show will be tough. It's all about what the judges are looking for. Thank you again for all your support. I'll let you know how the weigh ins go. I'm getting sprayed by big Mary at 8:15 on Thursday... so after that I'll fill ya in. Keep your fingers crossed.
Your Pro,
Dr. Dena
This heat sucks, glad to hear you got your air fixed quickly.
Glad to see you haven't droppped to 131, you've put on more lean muscle since those days. You're the best, so there's only one thing to wish for you - GOOD LUCK!!! Have a great time!
I leave for S.A. (where it's a wonderfull 72 degrees) Saturday morning - I hope I'll get to hear how the show went before I leave!
Show them who's back in town!
Holy moly, DenA! I just looked through the weigh-in pics on MD... You look fantastic! It's clear now that the Jan Tana was a fluke. La'zoo-ski doesn't stand a chance with you standing anywhere nearby. Your legs are looking amazing compared to last year. You're on you're way to becoming a quad monster! But with incredibly balanced physique.
mozarkid- ur always the best!! Hope you have a great trip ... See you soon.
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