Dear Friends and Fans,
WOW! It's actually kinda nice outside. I hope maybe Fall is here, or giving us a taste of it. It seems a bit crisp this beautiful Sunday morning. I would love to take a nice walk.. but Maryjane's leg is still bothering her. I'm not sure what to do. She runs up and down the stairs all day following my every move.. I wish she would just rest.. but NOT!! I laugh when I say this because I say it everyday but.. this cough is about gone. I've been coughing like a damn old man all week. I never had a sinus infection before. I think that's what I had. I hear there was some funk going around, but I got the airplane cooties on the trip back from Texas. It ran a typical 7-10 day cycle. I could have done more things for it like Vick's on the chest, steam and hot tub soaks, lots of water and rest. I DON'T take prescription or over the counter drugs. I pray I never get so ill... but I believe the power that made the body heals the body and that power being the innate ability of our immune system.
So I had something happen this Friday at work. I'm still not sure how I want to handle it. Do I send this person a letter, confront them personally, or just blow it off. You guy's tell me.. I have a poster of myself hanging on my door outside the office. It is a beautiful picture of me. I use it for most of my advertisement and business cards. It is one of my highest selling pictures. I will post it for my pix of the week. Anyway, there was a woman with her 3 young children outside my office being extremely loud. I'm use to this, since my door is my the front of the gym.. but this was out of control. The children were screaming OHHH MOMMY YUCKY UGLY MUSCLES while pointing at my picture. They kept saying it and screaming it to each other till mommy chimed in and said "Yes yucky ugly muscles". I was out that door. I excused myself from my patient, and poked my head out the door. I looked at the children and then mommy. She was very apologetic on the fact that her children were screaming outside my office; she even looked at me and said yucky muscles and giggled like.. oh kids will say anything..totally oblivious to the fact she just insulted me to my face. I've learned the hard way that when my heart is beating 1000bpm, keep your mouth shut, so I walked back in my office. I saw her come back in so I stepped back out of the office and looked at her. She was getting a drink out of the cooler and looked over and said sorry again for being loud. I realized that I was probably intimidating her by now ,but not intentionally. I'm wanting to voice my feelings but I can't because I still need time to think before inserting foot into mouth.. Now with her thinking that I'm a mean muscle doctor and you better not make a peep outside her office, I'm flabbergasted by her ignorance! The punch line to the story is this... her youngest child is MONGOLOID!!! I can empathize with him and I KNOW he will be talked and whispered about behind his back his entire life. I'm sure mommy has had talks with this beautiful young man explaining to him that beauty is only skin deep, don't judge a book by its cover, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and that one day... after all the teasing... there is an advantage to being different. I'm sure his siblings will forever protect and stand up for their handicapped brother, yet mommy laughs, encourages, and chimes in with them to look at my beautiful picture and view and voice that it's ugly???? What is she teaching her children?? If I was missing a limb I wounder what she would say when they passed me in the store. The real sad part to this story is that mommy is so closed minded, she has NO IDEA. Ugly, pretty whatever wouldn't a normal parent tell their children not to make fun of others or say things to hurt others feelings?? ESPECIALLY when you have your own family issues. How many times in elementary school is her little one going to be ask why he looks like that?? Come on!! OH.. I was pissed. By no means, did mommy make me feel ugly or insecure.. it actually made me want to go downstairs and start pumping up my muscles...lol.. What do you guy's think?
Dr.Dena is back in the house. I left Dr. Sexy out a little longer than usual, because she had some stuff to take care of. I finished up my shoots, and got 3 fantasy videos up on http://www.herbicepscam.com/ . Now back to business. I called Charles yesterday laughing at the fact that I think I need to be a heavyweight... but after seeing the line up at the Atlantic City heavyweights, I would be sitting on the freaking side lines..lol.. Iris K, Lisa A, Betty V, Helen B. need I say anymore?? I'm just going to training and come in where I do. The big thing too is picking the right shows and being in the right place at the right time. I'm just going to be MY best. I need to start training a bit heavier, so I have to turn my training clients into training partners. Nucks wants bigger arms and chest, so I will training with him Mon/ Wed morning on those parts, My dentist trains Tue evening.. we are rehabbing him from 3 total shoulder replacements, so I call him my wild card. I will train whatever that day with him. My old traning partner Big Marvin White, top masters national competitor, NPC Judge, and my post man, is back at my gym, so he and will train heavy probably back or legs. Still working it out.. but back in business. Monday here I come!!
Your IFBB Pro,
Dr. Dena
Hi Dr. Dena
I don't know if youre aware of GETBIG.COM....it's the most popular bb site around
Anyways, there's a thread going on about you
"female bb insulted by client in her own office"
people shooting all kind of comments about last friday's incident....
I think It'd be fair that you know what's going on...
Take care..
keep the hard work
What a very badly Impolite behavior and words!!..you know..
otherwise this is a very very crazy thing!
I agree your idea.
because your body is so beautiful and so sexy!!yes!
with luv
"By no means, did mommy make me feel ugly or insecure.. "
yes it did, cos u wrote that blog...it really hit a nerve.
I read most of the advices given to you at getbig.com board ..
and you have to understand that a mongaloid kid is more acceptable in society than a juiced monkey woman.
Nothing wrong with that.
Dr. W,
Sorry to hear about that incident. Having had the pleasure of briefly meeting you at the '06 Olympia, I can say that this poor mother's view of reality is terribly skewed.
And of course, "Eww, yucky muscles!" especially from an adult is no more appropriate in the presence of small children than is "Ew, yucky fat!" As you rightly point out, a mother encouraging this kind of behavior among her children is reprehensible. But in the end consider that her closemindedness and miserable self-hatred will, in the end, diminish HER life; just don't let it diminish yours.
I love your hard work, diligence, and perseverance! Keep fighting the good fight!!
My best,
Oh, and Leonardo? You making fun of Dr. D is sort of like a turd making fun of a sunset.
Doctor Dena
Brand new, here. Following Bulk over from Unreal (DO - in you spare time - HA! - consider droppin' in, please)
Greg is correct. You're gettin' SAVaged at Get Big. And, what you experienced at your own office was, I would certainly believe, both amazing and painful.
As I interpreted the scenario, though, it sounds to me like a case of over-all poor parenting. Kids were so loud that, in addition to the most insulting comment, you stuck your head out the door. She sounds like a mother who takes the path of least resistance. Might be easier for her in the short-run, but she is gonna have BIG trouble in the long run if she doesn't instill limits.
You handled it like the Pro you are, though. You have your picture on your door. So, with all of your 5'3", STAND TALL. It's tough goin' against the grain. One can get socked in the gut when it's least expected. Consider interpreting this as an indicator that you are doing the right thing. Standard notions die a VERY slow death. In this case, what all a woman is and can be.
You stay with it and keep doin' what you know how to do SO well. Continued success to you. Black
Pretty muscles.
Seems like a no win situation, I can imagine it would be tough to hold back, but you did the right thing by letting it go. You just keep doin' what you're doin', 'cause you're hotter than doughnut grease!
Your fan in Alton,Illinois....Steve
hello Dena, ive seen the show secret live sof woman. i was totally amazed at all the hard-work and dedication that it takes to become a body builder. I totally give you props. plus, i thought/think that you're a hottie! <3
Dear Dena.
Took me a few years to see this thread... so I'm not going to make a comment about the story about the mother and the kids. It was 3 years ago :-)
Just wanted to say that you really look AMAZING!!!!
You have wonderful muscles; I doubt this mom knew how hard and sacrificial it is to be a professional bodybuilder; that is a major life accomplishment. I am not sure mom meant to insult you, she was parroting what the children were saying but she should have corrected them because children should be taught not to criticize others. It will reflect badly upon the kids throughout their life if they continue saying insults about people. When someone says something insulting, it always reflects a poor character upon the one talking, not the intended victim. You handled this unfortunate situation correctly with grace and professionalism.
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