Dear Friends and Fans,
Well here it is.. 2007 almost gone. Time really flies when your having fun.. or once you hit 30..lol! I have really been working hard on some projects dealing with my practice. I feel good that I've learned another avenue of my practice that I can implement and grow from.. that feels good.. although it is still going to take a lot of hard work and extra time. You see that is what one of my problems is, time. It's hard to do the job of 5 people and be a bodybuilder. Each year i just have to learn how to do a couple extra things as well as everything else. Nothing good is easy!! I hope you guys liked the santa video.. we are going to work on the choppiness..but wanted to get it up for Christmas. It was so funny making, me and Gary the camera guy, were laughing our asses of when we saw that huge butt print!! lol. I guess I'll have to say it again and again, that Missouri has the strangest weather. 2 weeks ago we got 18" of snow dumped on us, the next week we got cold slush, and now the past couple of days have been cool but clear and beautifully sunny and all snow is melted away. Today is supposed to get into the 50's. It's really nice. I cleaned the house, and opened my windows.. could have sworn it was may! I've had a good break.. holiday.. I call it a break! I'm about to go crazy with all this time off work. My mom says idle hands are evil hands.. oy vey! She always said"Dena don't go looking for trouble,it finds you quick enough!" Ha, I wonder what she meant by that.. no I'm just kidding... I just need my structure back shortly... You guys know me by now.. and how I love my routine. I have a couple more cleaning things to do, if you haven't noticed by now I have a neurotic thing with cleaning. I do it to burn off excess energy that would other wise get me in trouble.. remember what mom says! Damnit! She is always right! My friend and neighbor Patty wants me to come over. Her lasagna has been in my fridge all day because she didn't have room for 2 13x9 pans. I just pushed the egg cartons aside and slid them in..lol! My friend Jillian likes to make fun of what is in my fridge.. she says it's bare.. eggs, chicken, tuna, broccoli, coffee, water, diet coke or diet Dr. Pepper...oh and a tub of http://www.speciesnutrition.com/ protein called isolyze, on the counter. I'll tell ya later about Species my new sponsor. I've spent the majority of the time alone. Thank you to all the wonderful people in my life who invited me to spend the Holidays with them. I'm weird.. sometimes or most of the time.. I prefer to be alone. It gives me time to get to know myself. I love being stuck doing nothing but understanding the person in the mirror. It may seem crazy.. but I"M CRAZY!!..lol.
Training is going well. While my body continues to be in it's "rest" mode.. I've been doing some Kettleball training. I like it. It makes me feel similar to one of my Martial Arts sessions. I miss that deep core soreness. I think this training is going to wind me tight!! i'm thinking the first of Feb. I'll be back in the saddle again! I have to hit Florida at the end of Jan. and then back and ready to pull in the hottest physique since Cory and Rachel!
Happy Holiday to all of you! I appreciate your support, and am honored to have so many people who care about me and my life. Thank you! Kisses
Your Pro,
Dr. Dena
Hi! Nice to see you agin.
Dena's sexy santa, pretty good!!
and your hip too!
lol.. thank you!xo
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