Dear Friends and Fans,
It's mid day on Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, and I'm running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I'm sure many of you can relate. I have to get into the office to see a couple of patients. Beth is in route as I type. My friend Brian is going to pick her up for me, and I shoud be home shortly after they get here.I am far behind in my office work.. but that's okay .. I'm having fun. I'm going to make some of my favorite stuff for us to eat all week. tomorrow we will be going to the Adams Mark Hotel for Thaksgiving dinner. We get to drink champange on a beer budget.. lol.. I have plenty of cooking to do... I plan to make so ooey gooey sweet potato casserole, pumpkin cake with cream cheese icing, peanut butter pie, and a honey baked spiral ham. I may start some of this tonight or work on it tomorrow it depending on the weather and if Beth feels like going out. I don't really frequent any spots here. To me the best spot is on my porch chilling with my dog..lol.! Come look for us on cam. We plan to hit the malls on Friday. I have to get some outfits for my next shoot. It's a professional wear shoot.. it will be fun. WE TV, womens entertainment, is coming out next Thursday and Friday to do a documentery on me.. I'm pretty excited. It makes a really busy month for me... Dan Ray is hopefully coming out Sat and Sun next week, so that leaves me filming Thurs through Sunday, and then the following weekend I have a Chiropractic seminar to attend.... AHUG!!!! Anyway, I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and long weekend. I'm shooting my sexy santa gallery next week.. look out for the super hot photos.
Your Pro,
Dr. Dena
Biggest fan here. I love you Dena
I need a big fan to cool this hot body
Haha sexy AND witty. I like that. Will you marry me?
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