Dear Friends and Fans,
I'm so proud of myself that I've gotten to this point in my day. The point being writing to you. I have been working like a one armed paper hanger since Beth left. I have my office work just about caught up, I am having difficulties doing it all!! My business stuff that is. Thank god for my web master and BB manager, Joel, he has been keeping everything up and wonderful on the site!!xo. So, I now have to go from post guest house to pre guest house.. We TV, http://www.wetv.com/ , is coming to my house tomorrow morning. We will be filming all day Thursday and Friday morning. Needless to say, it takes a lot of preparation on my side. Let's start by getting my office and house in TV mode.. you gotta keep it real.. whose house is instant camera ready?..lol.. plus I have to continue to see my patients and run my office, and I just had 2 weeks of guests . Dan Ray is coming next Friday and Saturday morning to do a shoot, plus I have a Chiropractic seminar to attend all next weekend. WOW!! No wonder I feel like a pinball. I have to see patients in the office tonight from 4-8:30pm, so I have to everything finished up. I hope Patty will come by and put some color on me for the filming.
My Thanksgiving was great. Beth and I had a lot of fun. We ate a big Thanksgiving buffet, and gobbled up a 1/4 ham. Beth probably lost weight while she was here...lol... i never realized how cold I kept my house until I see Beth walking around with a thermal long sleeve shirt and a hoodie on. I was bragging how my power bill was only $45 last month...lol... I was going for a record low til Beth told me I could blow a pipe if the house is too cold!!! OOOO, that did happen to me a couple of years ago.. do you guys remember??..lol.. well regardless, I turned the heat on more often so she didn't freeze to death. I like it cold... I'm a hot piece of coal!! Thank you Beth for spending the holiday with me.
I'm hearing of a new show for women in May. I have lots of things to talk about regarding me doing the show, and what some of my goals are for my physique. I have to let it simmer right now, but believe it will be ready soon. I just have to get through this filming and next weekends shoot and seminar. I figure I won't need to everything ready til January. I will keep you all up with the WE TV show, but you can go to their site and see what they are about http://www.wetv.com/ . I'll talk to you next week and let you know how it went and how it is going..lol. Thank you for your love and support! Xo
Your Pro,
Dr. Dena
WOW, I'd like to catch you sliding down the chimney...take that any way you want,lol ;). Good luck with the show, can't wait to see it.
Steve, your fan in Alton, Illinois
Wow! Ok I am back in love. I was teetering back a fourth a little but now I am sure it's love!
U look fantastic!!! Purrfect 10. the hell with all the other guys, I am the one you want! Trust me we both know it
Your biggest fan
Well Ho,Ho,Ho!!xo
only one hug and kiss? you can do better than that sweetie
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