Dear Friends and Fans,
It's a Rainy Monday here in St.Louis.. but I like it. I've chosen to name this blog what it is because it feels like that is exactaly what I'm experiencing. I have nothing really bad going on, just rolling hills... and sometimes they get boring. It's been a bit since I wrote last...not this Friday but the last I hurt my back doing dead lifts. I felt real good after the 10th rep.. so I decided to push it for 12 since it was Friday.... well screw Friday!!!lol. I heard a muscle tearing sound and a pop. Of course something like this has to happen on a weekend I have things planned. I had to go to an event with Becky.. she was dancing in The Stars of St. Louis, and I was planning on moving my gym equipment into the basement. I had to cancel my patients for the day.. I knew one thing and that was that bending over my table delivering adjustments to people was not going to be good for my back and the spasm it was in. I still went with Becky on Friday, and Sunday my good friends Patty, Joe, and Gary moved my gym into the basement. It all turned out ok after all. Needless to say, I took the rest of the week off from the gym, until I could get 2 adjustments in for myself. I was back to training back on this Friday, and a good one to boot. This weekend was spent cleaning up around the house and finishing up on some final fall things. When you have your own property to keep up.. there is always work to be done. I lifted Maryjane into the tub yesterday and pulled my already not healed shoulder again. It just hasn't been the same since I hurt it about 6 weeks ago. I had to train bis and tris today instead of chest and shoulders. I'm not sure when it is going to be better. My job it makes it difficult to heal since I'm always using it and putting extra stress on it during the day. I'm still mananging to keep my weight up at 160 which is surprising because I haven't been eating as much as I should be. Somedays I may only have 4 meals. I opened my fridge the other day and told one of my friends...is this going to put size on me... we started laughing, I had 2 huge onions, one Sam's sized ketchup, diet Dr. Pepper and some lime juice. I have since gone to the store and got big girl food! lol. The holiday season has a tendency to be a bit slow. It's hard for people to come in when they still have so much shopping to do.. and lots of eating! Beth Roberts will be coming back out for Thanksgiving. She dosen't have much going on around her town this year, so she will visit me so I'm not alone...ahhhh! Thanks Beth. Still pondering on the question... is THIS what it's all about???? The hills and valleys, trials and tribulations. The pic I attached was taken on my friends cell phone from the Dancing with the Stars of St. Louis. Thank you for caring enough to read what I had to say. We are having a lot of fun with the site.. and more to come. Have a great week.
Your Pro,
Dr. Dena
I wish I could tell you in person how I feel about you. Unfortunatly you will always just have to wonder. And you do wonder.
Your biggest fan,
..lol..well thank you!! Gave me a jolt of excitement
If I were you I'd be excited too! Diverboy doesn't settle for second best Dr sexy. He has good taste. And he's diverboy ergo, he always gets what he wants...which is you.
Now stop screwing around and wave me home!
Your biggest fan
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