Dear Friends and Fans,
Can any of you tell why this is Dark and Sassy? Well, I colored my hair dark. I have never had dark hair. I'm from Florida, so my hair was always light. I started highlighting my hair some years ago and i eventually became a real blonde...LOL. I really like the change. It still looks blonde in this picture but we are having to work with it a bit because i was so blonde before. I decided to do this because I had a couple of friends commenting on how blonde my hair was. Now to me, I look at that as if there is something not right. i feel everything should blend. if someone notices something SPECIFIC like make up, nail color, hair color than it isn't blending right. These things should accentuate what you already have not draw attention away. Does any of that make sense? I also had a friend, who also competes, pull out the fact that my hair contrasted the background while on stage. I started looking at the pictures and found my self distracted by the hair. Here i am... Dark and Sassy. I love it!!
My prep is coming along nicely. I sent my contract in today for the Phoenix.. So it's a GO!..LOL. I woke at 143.7 today. My 4 week out posing video should be up soon and is from this morning. I've had a very busy weekend. Jack and Ann Titone had their boot camp for " Jacked Up Divas" I helped with the bodybuilders posing and presentation. We had a decent turn out. Especially with the fitness and figure. Jack really ran a good camp. All of you out there needing direction you should check it out. I also did an interview with them 2 weeks ago for the talk show " Fit Talk" .
Halo is still a dream. She is 32 lbs and just beautiful When people look at her that is what they always say... I'm a proud momma.
My plan the next couple weeks is to just keep my muscles stimulated and bring the cardio in a bit. I'm really trying to hold on to my fullness this year. I have a plan!
The business is great! I'm building a new front desk and some assistance... the organization continues!
" A workout is a personal triumph over laziness and procrastination. It is a badge of a WINNER... the mark of an organized, goal orientated person who has taken charge of their DESTINY"
Thank you for your support!
Your pro,
Dr. Dena