Thursday, May 22, 2008

Refreshing The Love

Dear Friends and Fans,

I've had a great couple of weeks. The weather for the most part, has been absolutely beautiful. I have re arranged my work schedule which seems to really work well for me, but it is going to take sometime to get use to the extra work. The contiuous manual labor starts to take its toll my the end of day and week.

One of my BF's, Jillian, had a bday party last weekend; I took this picture that evening. I really don't have any plans for the Memorial Day weekend. I've been working in my yard and hope to plant some flowers and lay in the sun.

I'm starting to feel the love for, my boyfriend, Gym. I looked some pictures today that reminded of how happy I am with him in my life, how stimulated I feel eveytimne I leave his house, how secure and strong I feel from the mental and physical benifits I gain from commiting to a realtionship with him....I plan to start seeing him again on Tuesday. So next week it's..... back to the gym and refreshing the love.

I have to talk to Charles , the trainer of champions, but I think I'm going to do 3 short but heavy leg workouts a week and come up with a fun summer outdoors quad stimulating workout, like sprinting or even cycle sprinting. Cycle sprinters have massive quads. I have patients that race on a team and have asked me before to try it. It is dangerous.... have you seen those athletes' falls?? @#!*.

So in sum... I have commited to be more organized with the business aspect of my practice, and am doing it, made my schedule to maximize my time with patients, feeling the love for the gym again, yard nice and spring cleaning statred, Maryjanes leg will never be the same, but she feels better, which makes me happy. Now, as soon as someone can get rid of this damn Cardinal flying into my windows all day long, things couldn't be more perfect.

Thank you again and again for all your suport. We are going to be working on the video and other issues on the site. I've been promised. Have a great safe weekend!

Your Pro,

Dr. Dena


Unknown said...

Jillian's party was fun. Diego had a good time, and I'm happy he's getting to know my friends. He's a bit shy, and needs to make an appoitment with you soon. He'll call. Give MJ a kiss for me!

D.DesireWilliams said...

Hi Dena,

It's really cool to see you keep up with your blogs! Super exciting hearing about you and your successes. Well catch ya lata =]

Cool California Fan,
D. Williams